Sonocast is Hosted at

WELCOME TO SONOCAST, A podcast show devoted to contemporary Computer and Electroacoustic music. Every 3 weeks, we will present some gems out of a varied collection of archives, unreleased pieces and live cuts from the world of the avant-garde electroacoustic music scene.

Guests, and some helpful tech tips for the computer music creators of the XXI century will also be in the menu...

Start: JANUARY 1, 2008

The show will present 2 or 3 music excerpts on each edition: a 'milestone' piece, a live performance of a new piece and/or an unreleased gem from the orbit of the main computer music and electro-acoustic music centers of Europe, North, Center and South America. To introduce the pieces, each show will have a guest MC... The codename for each show will be the guest's name (or absence of it).... all wrapped up tightly in 40 mins. every month.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sonocast # 003 March-April 08

Shownotes: Sonocast 003: taken from the web
After a forced March hiatus, Sonocast returns with 4 gems caught in the turbulent waters of the internet...

We start with a nice song/demo of the Bell Labs computer from 1978, the source link:

Then, we continue our around the world tour bringing you yet another south american composer. This time, the uruguayan Luis Jure and his "Mar de Fondo"
His page:

Next we have an icon of the iternet information liberation front: Bob Ostertag
his webiste is and the piece you can here in the Sonocast is called: w00t_trailer
For all things Ostertag go to:

And last we have a live performance of Larry Polansky's "51 Harmonies" for electric guitar, three percussionists, 4 computer (1 master, 3 "slaves") and several samplers, comissioned and premiered at the Koln Computer Music Festival of 1994.

For more on Polansky:

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