Sonocast is Hosted at

WELCOME TO SONOCAST, A podcast show devoted to contemporary Computer and Electroacoustic music. Every 3 weeks, we will present some gems out of a varied collection of archives, unreleased pieces and live cuts from the world of the avant-garde electroacoustic music scene.

Guests, and some helpful tech tips for the computer music creators of the XXI century will also be in the menu...

Start: JANUARY 1, 2008

The show will present 2 or 3 music excerpts on each edition: a 'milestone' piece, a live performance of a new piece and/or an unreleased gem from the orbit of the main computer music and electro-acoustic music centers of Europe, North, Center and South America. To introduce the pieces, each show will have a guest MC... The codename for each show will be the guest's name (or absence of it).... all wrapped up tightly in 40 mins. every month.

Monday, May 26, 2008

New Name for the House

Podshow, the host of SonoCast, has changed its name to MEVIO
so from now on, the place to get your sonocast will be at
update your bookmarks, during this week i'll be rolling the SonoCast # 4 with part one of an all latin-american selection, followed a couple of weeks later by part # 2 of the latino special.

The change of name also affects the itunes feed which now: itpc://

So update your bookmarks and keep enjoying the music!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sonocast # 003 March-April 08

Shownotes: Sonocast 003: taken from the web
After a forced March hiatus, Sonocast returns with 4 gems caught in the turbulent waters of the internet...

We start with a nice song/demo of the Bell Labs computer from 1978, the source link:

Then, we continue our around the world tour bringing you yet another south american composer. This time, the uruguayan Luis Jure and his "Mar de Fondo"
His page:

Next we have an icon of the iternet information liberation front: Bob Ostertag
his webiste is and the piece you can here in the Sonocast is called: w00t_trailer
For all things Ostertag go to:

And last we have a live performance of Larry Polansky's "51 Harmonies" for electric guitar, three percussionists, 4 computer (1 master, 3 "slaves") and several samplers, comissioned and premiered at the Koln Computer Music Festival of 1994.

For more on Polansky:

Friday, January 25, 2008

ShowNotes SonoCast #002: February 1st, 2008

ShowNotes Sonocast # 002: February 2008: Music from Japan, Chile and and FurtLand


Jose Vicente Asuar: Variaciones Espectrales (tape, 1959) dur: 12:54
salutation Tomomi

Adachi Tomomi: Shirt_1 (2007)
salutation Richard Barrett

Furt Live in Amsterdam. Sonic Acts, Paradiso, Amsterdam (1998)

Furt: Richard Barrett & Paul Obermayer
